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长寿的7个关键 | 纽约时报






1. quest [kwest] n. (长久或辛勤的)寻求,探求;(中世纪传奇故事中骑士的)探险 v. 探寻,寻求 【名】 (quest)(德)奎斯特(人名);quests;quests;questing;quested;quested

2. chamber [ˈtʃeɪmbə] n. 房间,室;会议厅,会所;议院;腔,膛;洞穴;卧室;法官办公室,律师事务所(chambers) v. 把子弹送入弹膛;把……关在房间里 adj. 室内的;私人的,秘密的 【名】 (chamber)(英)钱伯(人名);chambers;chambers;chambering;chambered;chambered

3. blast [blɑːst] n. 爆炸,爆破;冲击波;爆炸声,爆破声;强劲的(气或水)流,疾风;吹奏声,轰鸣;严厉的批评;狂欢,有趣的事;(球队或选手的)猛烈进攻;枪击;(公司、组织等发出的)群发电子邮件 v. 炸毁,爆破;轰开,炸开(通路);向……射击,枪击;发出刺耳的高音;严厉批评,痛斥;由爆炸引起;用力踢,猛击;喷射(水流、气流等);使枯萎;轻易击败;损坏,摧毁;开,炸开(通路) int. 该死,讨厌 【名】 (blast)(德)布拉斯特(人名);blasts;blasts;blasting;blasted;blasted

4. infrared [ˈɪnfrəˈred] adj. 红外线的;(设备,技术)使用红外的,涉及红外的 n. 红外区,红外线,红外辐射

5. skeptical [ˈskeptɪkəl] adj. 不相信的,持怀疑态度的;(哲)怀疑论的,不可知论的

6. extend [ɪksˈtend] v. 延伸;扩大,延长;持续;包括,波及;提供,表示;伸出;使竭尽全力;对……估价;extends;extending;extended;extended

7. span [spæn] n. 时间跨度,一段时间;(桥或拱的)墩距,跨距;宽度,翼展;范围,包括的种类;(航海)跨绳;一队人(或动物);数值范围;一掌的长度 v. 持续,贯穿;包括(广大地区),涵盖(多项内容);横跨,跨越;张开手覆盖(或环绕);给(动物)套上轭 adj. 整洁干净的,照管得很好的(spick an. span. 【名】 (span)(捷)斯潘(人名);spans;spans;spanning;spanned;spanned

8. exotic [ɪgˈzɒtɪk] adj. 奇异的,异国风情的 n. 外来植物,外来动物

9. numb [nʌm] adj. 麻木的,失去感觉的;迟钝的,呆滞的 v. 使麻木,使失去知觉;使迟钝,使呆滞;使(某种感觉)减轻,使减弱;number;numbs;numbing;numbed;numbed

10. numerous [ˈnjuːmərəs] adj. 众多的,许多的

11. chronic [ˈkrɒnɪk] adj. (疾病)慢性的,长期的;(问题)一直有的,反复出现的;难以根除的,积习难改的;糟透的,拙劣的 【名】 (chronic)(英)克罗尼克(人名)

12. muscle [ˈmʌsl] n. 肌肉;体力,力气;权力,影响力;身强力壮的男子(们) v. 用力搬动;挤;以经济(或政治)压力迫使;加强;muscles;muscles;muscling;muscled;muscled

13. endurance [ɪnˈdʒurəns] n. 持久力,忍耐力;耐久性,耐用度

14. specialize [ˈspeʃəlaɪz] vi. 专门研究(或从事),专攻;专营;(生)使(器官)专化,使特化;specializes;specializing;specialized;specialized

15. moderate [ˈmɒdərɪt] adj. 普通的,中等的;不偏激的,温和的;有节制的,不过分的;(变化)不大的,有限的 v. 缓和,使适中;主持(讨论或会议);审核评分(查看不同阅卷人所打分数是否公平一致);(物理)使(中子)减速 n. 持温和政见者;moderates;moderates;moderating;moderated;moderated

16. intensity [ɪnˈtensɪtɪ] n. 强烈,剧烈;(光、声音等的)强度;intensities

17. beneficial [benɪˈfɪʃəl] adj. 有益的,有利的;(与)权益(有关)的,有财产使用权的

18. vessel [ˈvesl] n. 船,舰;(人或动物的)血管,(植物的)导管;(盛液体用的)容器,器皿;(有某种特质或用途的)人 【名】 (vessel)韦塞尔(人名);vessels

19. lower [ˈləʊə] adj. (尤指在同类中处于)较下的,下方的;在底部的,近底部的;次重要的,较低级的;(数字或数量)较小的;向南的;早期的 v. 减少,降低;把……放低,使……降下;降低,贬低(身份);变昏暗,变阴沉;露愠色 adv. 处于较低位置地,向低处下降地 【名】 (lower)(美、英)洛厄(人名);lowers;lowering;lowered;lowered

20. maintain [menˈteɪn] v. 保持,维持;维修,保养;断言,主张;赡养,抚养;支持,维护;maintains;maintaining;maintained;maintained

21. substance [ˈsʌbstəns] n. 物质,材料;主旨,主要内容;重要性;真实性,可信性;毒品;财富,财产;实质,(实在的)东西;实体;可靠,稳定;(哲)实体;substances

22. correlate [ˈkɒrɪleɪt] v. 相互关联;显示紧密联系 n. 相关的事物;correlates;correlates;correlating;correlated;correlated

23. deadly [ˈdedlɪ] adj. 致命的;极度的;乏味枯燥的;死一般的;阴险毒辣的,冷酷无情的;极有害的,破坏性的;(运动员或其动作)极富技巧性的,极难防御的;极好的,卓越的 adv. 极其;死一般;deadlier

24. dose [dəʊs] n. 一剂,一服;一次,一点;花柳病 v. 给……服药;掺入 【名】 (dose)(英)多斯,(德)多泽,(意、西、葡、塞)多塞(人名);doses;doses;dosing;dosed;dosed

25. excessive [ɪkˈsesɪv] adj. 过度的,过多的

26. liver [ˈlɪvə] n. 肝脏;(供食用的)动物肝脏;生活者,居民;livers

27. critical [ˈkrɪtɪkəl] adj. 批判的,爱挑剔的;极其重要的,关键的;严重的,危急的;病重的,重伤的;评论性的,评论家的;临界的

28. stroke [strəʊk] n. 中风;(使用武器的)击,打;击球,一击,一抽;(划船用语)划桨,划法,划桨法;泳式,游泳姿势;(指挥船上其他桨手的)尾桨手;轻抚,抚摸;一笔,一划;(灵感的)突发,(天才的)一举;(突发或突然想到的)好事;斜线(号);(雷电的)闪光;来回动作,上下动作;一系列重复运动的)节奏,律动;(鸟翼的)一次扑打;准时,准点;(一系列重复运动的)节奏,律动;(时钟报时的)鸣响,钟声 v. 轻抚,抚摸;轻挪,轻触,轻拭;击球;讨好,奉承;在……上轻轻涂抹;当……的尾桨手,当……的领桨;strokes;strokes;stroking;stroked;stroked

29. accord [əˈkɔːd] n. 协议,条约;符合,一致 v. 使受到,给予(某种待遇);(与……)一致,符合;accords;accords;according;accorded;accorded

30. elderly [ˈeldəlɪ] adj. 上了年纪的;老掉牙的 n. 老人(the elderly)

31. cultivate [ˈkʌltɪveɪt] v. 开垦,耕作;栽培,培育;陶冶,培养;建立(友谊),结交;cultivates;cultivating;cultivated;cultivated

32. associate [əˈsəʊʃɪeɪt] v. 联想,联系;支持,同意;交往,(尤指)混在一起 n. 同事,伙伴;副学士,准学士;副职,副手;准会员;联想 adj. 副的,准的,非正式的;联合的,有关连的;associates;associates;associating;associated;associated

33. highly [ˈhaɪlɪ] adv. 极其,非常;高度地,高水平地;钦佩地,赞赏地;在高处,地位高

34. factor [ˈfæktə] n. 因素,要素;等级,系数;因数,因子;遗传因子,基因;(血液中的)凝血因子;代理公司,代理商;地产管理人,管家;测量水平 v. 把……作为因素计入,把……包括在内(factor in);把……作为因素排除,不把……包括在内(factor out);将……分解为因子;代理经营,(代管)产业;做代理商 【名】 (factor)(英)法克特(人名);factors;factors;factoring;factored;factored

35. version [ˈvɜːʃən] n. (同一种物件稍有不同的)样式,型号;(从不同角度的)说法,描述;(电影、剧本、乐曲等的)版本,改编形式;《圣经》译本;胎位倒转术 v. 创制……的新版本,更新……的版本;versions

Humans have searched for the secret to immortality for thousands of years. For some people today, that quest includes things like sleeping in a hyperbaric chamber, experimenting with cryotherapy or blasting oneself with infrared light.


Most aging experts are skeptical that these actions will meaningfully extend the upper limits of the human life span. What they do believe is that by practicing a few simple behaviors, many people can live healthier for longer, reaching 80, 90 and even 100 in good physical and mental shape. The interventions just aren’t as exotic as transfusing yourself with a young person’s blood.


“People are looking for the magic pill,” said Dr. Luigi Ferrucci, the scientific director of the National Institute on Aging, “and the magic pill is already here.”


Below are seven tips from geriatricians on how to add more good years to your life.


第一,学习immortality的用法。这个词作名词,表示the state of living forever or being remembered forever,永生,长存,永恒,永垂不朽,例:the immortality of the soul 灵魂的不朽

第二,学习exotic的用法。这个词作形容词,表示something that is exotic seems unusual and interesting because it is related to a foreign country – use this to show approval,异国风情的,外国情调的〔含褒义〕,例:exotic birds 外国的奇异鸟类

第三,学习geriatric的用法。这个词作形容词,表示relating to the medical care and treatment of old people,老年医学的,例:a specialist in geriatric medicine 老年医学专家

1. Move more.

1. 多运动。

The number one thing experts recommended was to keep your body active. That’s because study after study has shown that exercise reduces the risk of premature death.


Physical activity keeps the heart and circulatory system healthy and provides protection against numerous chronic diseases that affect the body and mind. It also strengthens muscles, which can reduce older people’s risk of falls.


“If we spend some of our adult years building up our muscle mass, our strength, our balance, our cardiovascular endurance, then as the body ages, you’re starting from a stronger place for whatever is to come,” said Dr. Anna Chang, a professor of medicine specializing in geriatrics at the University of California, San Francisco.


The best exercise is any activity you enjoy doing and will stick with. You don’t have to do a lot, either — the American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, meaning just walking a little more than 20 minutes a day is beneficial.


第一,学习premature的用法。这个词作形容词,表示happening before the natural or proper time,过早的,提早的,例:his premature death due to cancer 他因癌症而早逝

第二,学习cardiovascular的用法。这个词作形容词,表示relating to the heart and BLOOD VESSELs (= tubes through which blood flows around your body),心血管的,例:cardiovascular disease 心血管疾病

第三,学习stick with sth的用法。这个词组表示to continue doing something, especially something difficult,坚持〔做某事,尤指困难的事情〕,例:If you stick with it, your playing will gradually get better. 如果你坚持练习,演奏水平会逐渐提高。

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

2. 多吃水果蔬菜。

The experts didn’t recommend one specific diet over another, but they generally advised eating in moderation and aiming for more fruits and vegetables and fewer processed foods. The Mediterranean diet — which prioritizes fresh produce in addition to whole grains, legumes, nuts, fish and olive oil — is a good model for healthy eating, and it’s been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and dementia.


Some experts say that maintaining a healthy weight is important for longevity, but to Dr. John Rowe, a professor of health policy and aging at Columbia University, that’s less of a concern, especially as people enter old age. “I was always more worried about my patients who lost weight than my patients who gained weight,” Dr. Rowe said.


第一,学习processed的用法。这个词作形容词,表示processed food has substances added to it before it is sold, in order to preserve it, improve its colour etc,〔食品〕经加工的,加工过的,常用搭配为processed cheese / meat / fish etc 加工过的干酪/肉/鱼等,例:the artificial colourings and flavourings in processed foods 加工食品中所含的人工色素和调味料

第二,学习dementia的用法。这个词作名词,表示an illness that affects the brain and memory, and makes you gradually lose the ability to think and behave normally,痴呆。

第三,学习longevity的用法。这个词作名词,表示the amount of time that someone or something lives,寿命,例:the greater longevity of women compared with men 女性相对于男性更长的寿命

3. Get enough sleep.

3. 保证充足睡眠。

Sleep is sometimes overlooked, but it plays a major role in healthy aging. Research has found that the amount of sleep a person averages each night is correlated with their risk of death from any cause, and that consistently getting good quality sleep can add several years to a person’s life. Sleep appears to be especially important for brain health: A 2021 study found that people who slept less than five hours a night had double the risk of developing dementia.


“As people get older, they need more sleep rather than less,” said Dr. Alison Moore, a professor of medicine and the chief of geriatrics, gerontology and palliative care at the University of California, San Diego. Seven to nine hours is generally recommended, she added.


4. Don’t smoke, and don’t drink too much either.

4. 不要抽烟酗酒。

This goes without saying, but smoking cigarettes raises your risk for all kinds of deadly diseases. “There is no dose of cigarette smoke that is good for you,” Dr. Rowe said.


We’re starting to understand how bad excessive alcohol use is, too. More than one drink per day for women and two for men — and possibly even less than that — raises the risk for heart disease and atrial fibrillation, liver disease, and seven types of cancer.


5. Manage your chronic conditions.

5. 控制慢性疾病。

Nearly half of American adults have hypertension, 40 percent have high cholesterol and more than one-third have pre-diabetes. All the healthy behaviors mentioned above will help manage these conditions and prevent them from developing into even more serious diseases, but sometimes lifestyle interventions aren’t enough. That’s why experts say it’s critical to follow your doctor’s advice to keep things under control.


“It’s not fun to take the medications; it’s not fun to check your blood pressure and check your blood sugar,” Dr. Chang said. “But when we optimize all those things in a whole package, they also help us live longer, healthier, better lives.”


6. Prioritize your relationships.

6. 重视人际关系。

Psychological health often takes a back seat to physical health, but Dr. Chang said it’s just as important. “Isolation and loneliness is as big a detriment to our health as smoking,” she said, adding that it puts us “at a higher risk of dementia, heart disease, stroke.”


Relationships are key to not only living healthier, but also happier. According to the Harvard Study of Adult Development, strong relationships are the biggest predictor of well-being.


Dr. Rowe tells the medical students he teaches that one of the best indicators of how well an elderly patient will be faring in six months is to ask him “how many friends or family he’s seen in the last week.”


7. Cultivate a positive mind-set.

7. 培养积极心态。

Even thinking positively can help you live longer. Several studies have found that optimism is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, and people who score highly on tests of optimism live 5 to 15 percent longer than people who are more pessimistic. That may be because optimists tend to have healthier habits and lower rates of some chronic diseases, but even when accounting for those factors, the research shows that people who think positively still live longer.


If you had to pick one healthy practice for longevity, “do some version of physical activity,” Dr. Moore said. “If you can’t do that, then focus on being positive.”


外刊文章来源,纽约时报 2024.01.03 The 7 Keys to Longevity


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